Preventing salt build-up and biofilm in irrigation systems is certainly a thorn in the side for most growers. After all, irrigation systems are […]
The quest for sustainable and eco-friendly pest control solutions in agriculture and growing operations has led to the exploration of alternative methods, and […]
In today’s modern agriculture industry, Microbe Ninja’s NinjaGen Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) On-site Generators have emerged as an indispensable tool, that empowers farmers and […]
An on-site hypochlorous acid (HOCl) generator offers several key advantages when used in farming and growing operations to address oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) levels. […]
Demand for hypochlorous acid (HOCl) generators for growing and farming is rising. We recently launched a NinaGen Hypochlorous Acid Onsite Generator trial with […]
The Hands-Free AquaCube helps grocery shoppers easily open plastic bags (produce, meat or bakery department) in a healthier and more efficient manner. IRVINE, […]
Unleash the Power of On-Site Hypochlorous Acid Generation! Growers can now harness the power of an on-site hypochlorous acid generator to produce an […]
Opening plastic bags in the grocery store can be super frustrating! How do you open a plastic grocery bag without licking your fingers? […]
At 500ppm, hypochlorous acid is an all-natural cleaner, tough of grime, gentle on skin.
Hypochlorous acid is safe to use on dogs and all animals. The HOCL strength for animals is usually around 200 ppm.